本站公告: 致力传播美好的艺术。


艺术新闻 艺微客 563浏览 0评论


Since selling arts online has been the biggest trend in nowadays, Art of Nature launches its online platform on Artsy. Recently, Artsy focuses on promoting Chinese contemporary arts and Hong Kong galleries. In the past two months, Art of Nature has launched artworks from nearly 30 artists, including Qin Feng, Zhang Fangbai, Tong Yanrunan, Xu Chenyang, Feng Wei, Chen Minghua, Shen Jianguo,Lama Jamyang, Shen Ping, Chen Fan, Zhuo Xiaoguang, Cang Yuan, Jin Lie, LILYA, Lam Kei, Zhou Tianli, Qi Peng, Xu Hongyan, Liu Jia, Yang Yanling, Wang Fan, Chen Wennan, Wu Guanzhen , Han Jinfeng, Lin Hao, Wu Yuehua and Liang Tingwei ( listed in no particular order).


《蓝》  王守清  布面油畫  30x30cm  1994


Art of Nature will display more outstanding artworks on Artsy in the future. For more information, please contact 2491473273@qq.com. Thank you support!


《蓝》  王守清  布面油畫  30x30cm  1994

Artsy藝術平臺(https://www.artsy.net)於2012年創立於美國紐約,聯合創始人包括 Sebastian Cwilich、鄧文迪、Carter Cleveland 和 Dasha Zhukova 。Artsy秉持著“支持更多的藝術家及世界上的藝術,擴展藝術市場”的理念,搜尋引擎和數據庫建立了清晰的作品分類及資訊,擁有完善的作品推薦系統,是供藝術愛好者及收藏家發現、瞭解及購買藝術的全球最大藝術平臺。Artsy聚集了全世界首屈一指的美術館、畫廊、拍賣行和藝博會,目前與超過100個國家的畫廊和美術館建立了合作,平臺擁有超過10000位藝術家的藝術作品及設計作品100000餘件。 Artsy註冊用戶達170萬人,收藏家遍佈191個國家,月訪問量達230萬人次,各方面數據仍在增長。

Artsy art platform (https://www.artsy.net) was founded in New York, U.S. in 2012. Its co founders include Sebastian cwilich, Wendi Deng, Carter Cleveland and Dasha Zhukova. Artsy adheres to the concept of "supporting more artists and the world's art, expanding the art market". It has a clear classification, information of works and a perfect work recommendation system. Artsy is the world's largest art platform for art lovers and collectors to buy art works. Artsy features the world’s leading museums, galleries, auction houses and art fairs all in one place. Currently it has developed cooperation with galleries in more than 100 countries. The platform has more than 100,000 works of arts and design works by more than 10,000 artists. Artsy has 1.7 million registered users, collectors in 191 countries, and 2.3 million monthly visits. Data is still growing in every aspect.

《叠园一》 沈建國   68cmx70cm  2019




Since its establishment in 2008, Art of Nature International has committed to the promotion and exchange of contemporary art. With the goal "merging of art and brand, integration of art and life", Art of Nature has organized various exhibitions and academic seminars, auctions and collection. With professional knowledge, a keen eye on art market, well branding reputation, strong social resources and devout beliefs in art, Art of Nature has gradually developed into a branded professional gallery after ten years of exploration and hard work. The supporting facilities are comprehensive and well qualified. Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery in Hong Kong covers an area of nearly 5,000 square feet. The exhibition space of the Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery in Fujian covers an area of 10,000 square feet and the Art of Nature Collection has an area of 15,000 square feet . Art exhibitions and cultural events are held throughout the years.

《井园一》 沈建國   68cmx70cm  2019




《慾望風景系列0258》  水墨  93x45cm  2010

《欲望風景系列0106》   93X80cm  2008 


1965年出生於湖南衡陽,1991 畢業於中央美術學院油畫系第四工作室本科。現為華東師範大學美術學院副院長。

《瓶罐系列 五號》  80x55cm  水墨  2020

《瓶罐系列 七號》  80x55cm  水墨  2020





陳明華 《山影》 80×120cm   布面丙烯  2020

陈明华 《新界》 80×100cm  布面丙烯  2020


蘇州大學藝術學院教授,高級工藝美術研究員. 蘇州雕塑協會常務副會長,江蘇省雕塑家學會常務理事,江蘇省雕塑家學會藝術委員會成員,中國工藝美術協會會員,中國工藝美術協會雕塑專業委員會委員,中國雕塑家協會會員,現蘇州基業藝術館館長。

《叠园二》68x70cm  2019

《井园二》  110x55cm  2019





《傷痛》 70x140cm  2020


Born in 1963, Luoyang

1980  Immigrated to Hong Kong

1984 Graduated from Hong Kong Academy of Fine Arts

1989-1992 Studied at the Central Academy of Fine Arts (Oil-Painting)

2008 Graduated from the Graduate School of Chinese National Academy of Arts. Currently stationed in Beijing.

《雨季之城市之光》  47x29cm  紙本水彩  2017

《雨季之黃昏》  紙本水彩  32x41cm  2012



Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery 


查詢電話 Enquiry:

24937236 / 91207578 Horace Lam(香港)

0591-87410616/18060603030 Hero(福建)

電郵 Emailmsctq@vintion.com

網址 Website: www.msctq.com






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