The theme of this online exhibition is "The Boundaries of the Breathing". Breathing is one of the few acts that humans can perform both unconsciously and consciously, and it involves a gas exchange with the other while sustaining the life of the subject. This dangerous and unstoppable action is given an unprecedented tension in the present for its paradoxical utility, becoming a metaphor for the common destiny of humanity in the context of globalization, stirring our established boundaries.
梁绍基 LIANG Shaoji | 鬼谷子 Guiguzi | 2009 | 蚕丝,铁丝,可变尺寸 Silk,iron wire,dimensions variable赵洋 ZHAO Yang | 仙王座 Cepheus | 2019 ~ 2020 | 布面油彩&丙烯 Oil & Acrylic on Canvas | 198(H)*305(W)cm在展览期间,您将在线欣赏到徐震将古希腊雕塑与中国假山石相结合的装置作品《山—拉奥孔》,刁德谦创作于80年代转型期、将至上主义与构成主义进行重组的《位置转换》以及杨福东以尼采语录作为拍摄脚本的摄影作品《明日早朝》等等,体味中国艺术家创作中超越国界的跨文化呼吸。
During the exhibition, you will be able to see online Xu Zhen's installation "Mountain- Laocoon", which combines ancient Greek sculpture and Chinese rockery; David Diao's "Switching Station", which was created during his transition period in the 1980s and reconstructs Suprematism and Constructivism; and Yang Fudong's "Dawn Breaking", which uses Nietzsche's quotations as a photographic script, etc., experiencing the cross-cultural breathing of Chinese artists who transcend national boundaries in their creations.
杨福东 YANG Fudong | 明日早朝-美术馆新电影计划-第十二天 Dawn Breaking - A Museum Film Project - Day 12 | 2018 | 艺术微喷打印 Archival Inkjet Print | 120(H)*180(W)cm | with frame 190*208cm同时,您也将欣赏到丁乙采用木刻与绘画两种材料相结合的《十示》系列的最新作品,赵洋以油彩与丙烯相结合、带着不可控的天然意趣的绘画作品,以及梁绍基以蚕丝为媒介、富于东方哲思的装置作品,感受来自艺术与生命的自然呼吸。At the same time, you will also see the latest work of Ding Yi's "Appearance of Crosses" series, which combines the forms of woodcut and painting; Zhao Yang's paintings in oils and acrylics with an uncontrollable sense of nature; and Liang Shaoji's oriental philosophical installations using silk as a medium, feeling the natural breath of art and life.
胡柳 HU Liu | 虹 Rainbow | 2013 | 纸上铅笔, 绢裱于椴木板 Pencil on paper, mounted upon silk on basswood | 110(H)*260(W)cm丁乙 DING Yi | 十示 2020-5 Appearance of Crosses 2020-5 | 2020 | 椴木板上综合材料 Mixed media on basswood | 120(H)*240(W)cm展出作品囊括了摄影、装置、绘画等多种媒介。面对充满不确定性的现实环境,和来自生命科学、生态环境、地缘政治等领域的多重挑战,艺术家与其所处的时代语境展开对话,以当下对照难以预知的未来,探究际遇与想象、认知与事实之间的分歧和落差。The exhibited works encompass a vast range of mediums, including photography, installation, painting among others. Confronting with the reality full of uncertainties and the multiple challenges from life sciences, ecology and geopolitics, the artists engage in a dialogue with the context of their times, and exploring the differences and gaps between fate and imagination, cognition and reality.
张恩利 ZHANG Enli | 红头发 Red Hair | 2019 | 布上油画 Oil on canvas | 170(H)*150(W)cm
参展艺术家 Artists
鸟头 BIRDHEAD | 陈维 CHEN Wei | 刁德谦 DAVID Diao | 丁乙 DING Yi | 胡柳 HU Liu | LIANG Shaoji 梁绍基 | LIU Yue 刘月 | 徐震 XU Zhen® | 闫冰 YAN Bing | 杨福东 YANG Fudong | 余友涵 YU Youhan | 张恩利 ZHANG Enli | 赵洋 ZHAO Yang贵宾开放日 | Private View
2020.6.17 - 6.18
(只限获邀请人士 by invitation only)
公众开放日 | Public Days
2020.6.19 – 6.26
官方平台 | Platforms
您可前往 Art Basel官方网站 或 Art Basel APP 进行浏览。
Accessible directly on Artbasel.com or the Art Basel App.
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