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艺术相关 艺微客 1818浏览 0评论

“庆祝中匈建交70周年·中欧当代艺术展”即将在布达佩斯举行  艺术相关  第1张








  Anikó Sütto,Bánkúti Gergö,Cai Jie(蔡杰), Csanálosi Mária, Funtek Nikolett,Huang Kang(黄康),Li Huaqi(李华琪), MoHan(默涵),Nemere Réka,Yuan Dong(袁冬),Zhou Song(周松)


  2019 is the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Hungary. Under the guidance of the "One Belt, One Road" initiative, China and Hungary have achieved fruitful cooperation in various fields. We believe that with the deepening of the "One Belt, One Road" initiative, the development prospects of China-Hungary relations will be  More broad.  To this end, the China-Hungary Artists Association will also actively participate in cultural exchanges between the two countries and contribute to the sustained and healthy development of China-Hungary relations.


 Hungary is the first European country to sign the “Belt and Road” document with China and is highly compatible with the Hungarian authorities’ policy of opening up to the east.  In 2017, the two countries announced the establishment of a comprehensive partnership.  In November 2018, Hungary accepted and became the guest country of the first China International Import Exhibition. During the period, the leaders of the two countries exchanged views on the in-depth growth of bilateral relations and injected new impetus into the long-term growth of China-Hungary relations.  The China-Hungary Artists Association has been based on a new historical starting point for more than a year. It actively planned the first “china europe Contemporary Painting Art Exhibition" to promote the cultural exchanges between China and Hungary, and built a bridge of friendship between China and Hungary with sincerity.


 According to Mr. Cai Jie, the sponsor of the event and the founder of the China-Hungary Artists Association, the international exhibition was led by Mr Wang zhong -Prdecessor Chief edietor of the (Art)Magazine of China Artists Association and Professor Li Guinan- the deputy dean of the Academy of Fine Arts of the Minzu University of china and the executive chairman of the China-Hungary Artists Association.  Mr. Allan Siegel was the overall planner. Exhibition invited more than ten representative young and middle-aged artists from China and Hungary. and will opening in Budapest, Hungary in mid-October. All participating artists will attend the opening ceremony in Budapest.  And a range of artistic gatherings.  We hope that through the face-to-face exchanges between the artists of the two countries, we can build a new bridge for Chinese-Hungarian culture and art and build a beautiful bond.


List of participating artists:

  Anikó Sütto,Bánkúti Gergö,Cai Jie, Csanálosi Mária, Funtek Nikolett,Huang Kang,Li Huaqi, MoHan,Nemere Réka,Yuan Dong,Zhou Song


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