“OCAT 工作室”是 OCAT 深圳馆的主要项目之一,自 2006 年至 2013 年间连续举办了八期,2018 年重启,至 2019 年,共邀请了来自 22 个国家和地区的 46 位策展人、艺术家和研究者。
由于疫情影响,今年 “OCAT 工作室”暂停征集,借此机缘,我们也得以(重新)思考如何更新和延续该项目的相关工作。最近我们正在展开对过往驻地者的回访,将在 OCAT 深圳馆公众号中陆续发布。
感谢在这个特殊时期仍然期待申请我们这个项目的艺术工作者,希望可以在不久的未来“回归”,继续提供这个平台,感谢大家对 OCAT 深圳馆项目的关注!
Notice of Suspension of OCAT Residency 2020
OCAT Residency, as one of the main programs of OCAT Shenzhen, had been held annually from 2006 to 2013, and was relaunched in 2018. A total number of 46 art practitioners including curators, artists, and researchers from 22 countries and regions have been invited to this program by 2019. Unfortunately, the open call of OCAT Residency 2020 has to be suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic, yet we would rather view it as an opportunity to (re)think about alternative ways to innovate and tap the potential of this program. As a result, we have initiated a project in which we conduct interviews with previous residents, and the selected content will soon be published on our WeChat official account. We would like to extend our gratitude to those who are still willing to apply for our residency program amid this unaccustomed time. We hope the program could be brought back in the near future and carry on serving as a platform for exchange and communication. Thank you!
开放时间:10:00 - 17:30(逢周一闭馆)
网站:http://www.ocat.org.cn/index.php/home微信公众号:OCAT深圳馆(ID: OCATShenzhen)
Facebook:OCT Contemporary Art Terminal - OCAT Shenzhen
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